Writings of H P Blavatsky
Theosophy House
206 Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF24
Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky (1831 – 1891)
The Founder of
Modern Theosophy
Fakirs and Tables
H P Blavatsky
[From the
HOWEVER ignorant I may be of the laws of the solar system, I am at all
events so firm a believer in heliocentric journalism that I subscribe some
remarks for The Sun upon my "iconoclasm."
No doubt it is a great honour for an unpretending foreigner to be thus
crucified between the two greatest celebrities of your chivalrous country—the
truly good Deacon Richard Smith, of the blue gauze trousers, and the
nightingale of the willow and the cypress, G. Washington Childs, A. M. But I am
not a Hindu Fakir, and therefore can not say that I enjoy crucifixion,
especially when unmerited. I do not even fancy being swung round the "tall
tower" with the steel hooks of your satire metaphorically thrust through
my back. I have not invited the reporters to a show. I have not sought
notoriety. I have only taken up a quiet corner in your free country, and, as a woman
who has travelled much, shall try to tell a Western public the strange things I
have seen among Eastern peoples. If I could have enjoyed this privilege at home
I should not be here. Being here, I shall, as your old English proverb
expresses it, "Tell the truth and shame the devil."
The World reporter who visited me wrote an article which mingled his
souvenirs of my stuffed apes and my canaries, my tiger-heads and palms, with
aerial music and the flitting doppelgängers of Adepts. It was a very interesting
article and was certainly intended to be very impartial. If I appear in it to
deny the immutability of natural law, and inferentially to affirm the
possibility of miracle, it is either due to my faulty English or to the
carelessness of the reader.
There are no such uncompromising believers in the immutability and
universality of the laws of Nature as students of Occultism. Let us then, with
your permission, leave the shade of the great
If but once in a hundred years a table or a Fakir is seen to rise in the
air, without a visible mechanical cause, then that rising is a manifestation of
a natural law of which our scientists are as yet ignorant. Christians believe
in miracles; Occultists credit them even less than pious scientists, Sir David
Brewster, for instance. Show an Occultist an unfamiliar phenomenon, and he will
never affirm a priori that it is either a trick or a miracle. He will search
for the cause in the reason of causes.
There was an anecdote about Babinet, the astronomer, current in
I suppose nine men out of ten, including editors, would maintain that
the undulatory theory of light is one of the most firmly established. And yet
if you will turn to page 22 of The New Chemistry, by Prof. Josiah P. Cooke,
Jr., of
I cannot agree with those who regard the wave-theory of light as an
established principle of science. . . . It requires a combination of qualities
in the ether of space which I find it difficult to believe are actually
What is this but iconoclasm?
Let us bear in mind that
They are just beginning to recognize—see Prof. Balfour Stewart’s lecture
at Manchester, entitled, The Sun and the Earth, and Prof. A. M. Mayer’s
lecture, The Earth a Great Magnet—the intimate connection between the sun’s
spots and the position of the heavenly bodies. The interplanetary magnetic
attractions are but just being demonstrated. Until gravitation is understood to
be simply magnetic attraction and repulsion, and the part played by magnetism
itself in the endless correlations of forces in the ether of space—that
"hypothetical medium," as Webster terms it—is better grasped, I
maintain that it is neither fair nor wise to deny the levitation of either Fakir
or table. Bodies oppositely electrified attract each other; similarly
electrified they repulse each other. Admit, therefore, that any body having
weight, whether man or inanimate object, can by any cause whatever, external or
internal, be given the same polarity as the spot on which it stands, and what
is to prevent its rising?
Before charging me with falsehood when I affirm that I have seen both
men and objects levitated, you must first dispose of the abundant testimony of
persons far better known than my humble self. Mr. Crookes, Prof. Thury of
Geneva, Louis Jacolliot, your own Dr. Gray and Dr. Warner, and hundreds of
others, have, first and last, certified the fact of levitation.
I am surprised to find how little even the editors of your erudite
contemporary, The World, are acquainted with Oriental metaphysics in general,
and the trousers of the Hindû Fakirs in particular. It was bad enough to make
those holy mendicants of the religion of Brahmâ graduate from the Buddhist
Lamaseries of
This is as bad as if a Hindû journalist had represented the Rev. Mr.
Beecher entering his pulpit in the scant costume of the Fakir—the dhoti, a
cloth about the loins, "only that and nothing more." To account,
therefore, for the oft-witnessed, open-air levitations of the Swamis and Gurus
upon the theory of an iron frame concealed beneath the clothing, is as
reasonable as Monsieur Babinet’s explanation of the table-tipping and tapping
as unconscious ventriloquism.
You may object to the act of disembowelling, which I am compelled to
affirm I have seen performed. It is as you say, "remarkable," but
still not miraculous. Your suggestion that Dr. Hammond should go and see it is
a good one. Science would be the gainer, and your humble correspondent be
justified. Are you, however, in a position to guarantee that he would furnish
the world of sceptics with an example of "veracious reporting," if
his observation should tend to overthrow the pet theories of what we loosely
call science?
Yours very respectfully,
Cardiff Theosophical Society in
Theosophy House
206 Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF24
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Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries
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Essays Selected from "The Theosophist"
Edited by George Robert Stow Mead
From Talks on the Path of Occultism - Vol. II
In the Twilight”
Series of Articles
The In the Twilight”
series appeared during
1898 in The
Theosophical Review and
from 1909-1913 in The Theosophist.
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International Convention
Will there be an
Adyar Free Future? An Extra Box on
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Without Members
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Adyar Presidential Election Invalid?
Radha Burnier
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Nothing Stand There Adyar, the Sole
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House Ignore the
Voters What an Insult to
Members International
Election Protocol
The Secrecy
Banging the Drum
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Keeping the
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the Attitude of the Theosophical
Elite? Towards a New
Model for Theosophy
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Longer Members A Manifesto
Anybody There?
Now Here’s
Something Worth Keeping Quiet
About Is There Hidden Bad News?
Something Wrong?
Control Adyar or You Control
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Representation Not Representing
Make Way for the
Messiahs Does Silence
Mean Game Over
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A Society
Without Leadership
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It? Supporting
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What Makes this
Election Invalid? Trouble Was Your Vote
Not Being at
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